In 2020 BCG published a helpful visual detailing the factors organizations need to consider and action to thrive under hybrid and remote conditions. These include: Vision, Remote Working Models, Enablers and Technological Solutions and Infrastructure. Summary by The World of Work Project



BCG’s Remote Working Pyramid

In 2020, near the start of the global Covid outbreak, Boston Consulting Group issued a report detailing the things organizations need to take care of and think about if they are to succeed as remote organiztions. The model pretty much speaks for itself and includes five core levels.

Levels and Components

The foundational level of this model is the technological infrastructure of an organization. In here BCG include the need for modern data platforms as well as cyber resilience.

The next level up is an organization’s technological solutions that are build upon their infrastructure. Here BCG include the organization’s devices and workspaces, collaboration tools, performance management tools and their social and learning tools. Obviously, other tools are key as well, including those specifically supporting delivery and task completion.

Stepping up again BCG reference “enablers”. Here they include trust-based management, remote-working practices and the organization’s leadership and culture. Obviously, this is the area we are most interested in.

Stepping up again the model focuses on remote working models. These include rotational dynamics so that staff know when and how they are working, and effective role-allocation.

Lastly, the BCG model focuses on vision and notes the importance of the organizaton’s vision and principles.

Learning More

There’s a lot to learn about remote and agile working. You might enjoy this article on some history and this article on some basic agile working practices (sometimes remote and hybrid work was described as agile, before the pandemic).

We also have articles on how to think about productivity in a hybrid and remote world, and who is disadvantaged in a hybrid organization.

You can also learn more in one of our podcasts on hybrid and remote working, there’s one below:

The World of Work Project View

We think hybrid and remote working brings a lot to organizations and that it is broadly here to stay. We also think that to be successful as remote or hybrid organizations, leaders have to do some work. This pyramid is a helpful little tool for thinking about what needs to be done, and a useful tool for starting conversations about the changes needed.

How We Help Organizations

We provide leadership development programmes and consulting services to clients around the world to help them become high performing organizations that are great places to work. We receive great feedback, build meaningful and lasting relationships and provide reduced cost services where price is a barrier.

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We’re also considering creating a community for people interested in improving the world of work. If you’d like to be part of it, please contact us.

Sources and Feedback

Source: Boston Consulting Group, Remote Working & The Platform of the Future, 2020

We’re a small organization who know we make mistakes and want to improve them. Please contact us with any feedback you have on this post. We’ll usually reply within 72 hours.