The OSKAR solution focused coaching model has five steps: Outcome, Scaling, Know-how, Affirm and Review. It’s a fairly simple coaching model that is helpful in the world of work.
Summary by The World of Work Project
The OSKAR Coaching Model
There are many solution-focused coaching models for use in the workplace. While the most popular is almost certainly the GROW model, the OSKAR model is a helpful alternative.
The model has five steps: Outcome, Scaling, Know-how and resources, Affirm and action and Review. The model is simple, easy to learn and coach, focused and helpful for individuals in the work place.
The OSKAR coaching model feels like a more consciously coaching oriented model than some other solution focused models. As with many models, it works by helping a coachee understand and bridge the gap between their current state and desired future state. It differs from some models though in that it focuses perhaps more on behaviors and ways of working than simply actions.
The first stage of the OSKAR Coaching Model is used to understand the purpose of the specific coaching session. In this stage the coach is trying to help the coachee understand and express what they want to get out of the coaching session.
Questions you might want to ask as a coach could include:
- What outcome would you like to achieve from this coaching session?
- What are your objectives for this session?
- How will you know that this session has been a success?
- How will it feel when we are making progress?
- What would you like to focus on today?
- What is the goal you want to achieve?
The second stage of the OSKAR model designed to help the coachee understand and refine their goals, and to set reasonable goals. This is done with the help of a simple 1-10 scale. At this stage the coach simply asks the coachee how close they are to their goal and how far towards their goal they really want to get.
Questions you might want to ask as a coach could include:
- If 1 is nowhere and 10 is achieving your goal, where are you now?
- Where do you realistically want to get to?
- If you compare yourself to others, how would you rate them on the same scale?
- Can you think of anyone who is a 10 in relation to your goal?
The third stage of the OSKAR coaching model is designed to help coachees understand the skills and resources they require to reach their goals. This exploration helps them understand the capabilities they currently have, and those they must acquire. By exploring these topics, the coachee starts to form a loose plan of action to help them achieve their goal.
Questions you might want to ask as a coach could include:
- What knowledge do you need to help you achieve your goal?
- Are there more resources you require?
- What do you need to learn?
- Who’s support do you need?
- What new skills should you invest in to help you reach your goal?
- Who can provide the resources you need to achieve your goal?
- What else do you need to change to achieve your goal?
Affirm and Action
The fourth stage of the OSKAR coaching model helps the coachee reflect on the current state and actions to improve it. It’s specifically designed to help the coachee reflect on things that are working well and that they may wish to continue. As with all models though, it also focuses on drawing out actions that the coachee wants to undertake to help them achieve their objectives.
Questions you might want to ask as a coach could include:
- What’s working well at the moment?
- What are you already doing that’s good?
- What is effective in the way you’re doing things now?
- Are there things that you would like to continue doing?
- What would you like to change?
- Which actions do you need to take to reach your goal?
- What’s your first step?
- What are the first 5 things you need to do?
The last stage of the OSKAR coaching model is the review stage, and this stage actually takes place in a subsequent session. The purpose of this stage is to help the coachee reflect on their progress, but also to keep them accountable for progressing their actions.
Questions you might want to ask as a coach in the next follow up session to review what progress has been made could include:
- What progress have you made in relation to you actions?
- What steps have you taken?
- Tell me about the things you done differently since we last spoke.
- What new things are you doing?
- What old ways of doing things have you dropped?
- How do you feel about your progress?
Our View
We like what the OSKAR coaching model is getting at, but we feel it’s been a bit forced into the mnemonic and a bit clunky. Specifically, we think this model provides a great crossover between really action focused models and more personal development models.
We think a big strength of the model is that it can really help individuals address their behaviors and ways of being, something that isn’t always seen as a priority in the world of work.
In summary, we like the model.
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Sources and Feedback
This post is based on original work by Mark McKergow and Paul Z. Jackson. You can read more in their book: “The Solutions Focus: Making Coaching and Change SIMPLE”.
We’re a small organization who know we make mistakes and want to improve them. Please contact us with any feedback you have on this post. We’ll usually reply within 72 hours.